Top 12 Challenges of Big Data Architecture and Its Solution 2024

Big Data Architecture

In this age of information explosion, when data is being generated at an unimaginable speed, companies often face the issue of harnessing the potential of extensive data. Significant data concerns not only the amount of data but also the variety of data types, the speed at which data is produced, and the requirement to gain real-time insight. Companies rely on extensive data’s robustness to manage this data flood effectively.

Big Data Architecture is a structure that specifies the elements of technology, processes, and procedures required to collect, store data, analyze, and process Big Data. It typically includes four layers: data collection and its ingestion, analytics and processing, data visualization and reporting, and data management and security. Each layer has tools, technologies, instruments, processes, and tools.

However, managing the data available in raw form and massive volumes becomes extremely difficult. If you’re facing challenges in dealing with issues that arise from prominent data structures, this article has the perfect solution. This content will show you what you need to do to overcome every challenge in Big Data Architecture.

Understanding The Big Data Architecture

An architecture designed to manage big data can assist with the processing, ingestion, and evaluating information that is too complex or large for traditional database systems to handle. The level at which businesses become part of the realm of big data varies according to the capability of their users and their software. Some organizations have hundreds of gigabytes worth of data. However, for other organizations, it could be hundreds of Terabytes. The tools used to deal with large datasets and the implications of “big” data improve. As time passes, the concept refers to the value you get from your data using advanced analytics instead of the actual dimensions of the data, even though the data sets tend to be huge in those cases.

Over time, the landscape of data has evolved. The way you work or expect to perform with the data you have access to has evolved. The storage price has decreased dramatically, and methods of obtaining data continue to grow. Specific data is delivered frenzied, always requiring analysis and collection. Others arrive more slowly. However, it is in huge portions, usually in the shape of decades of old data. You may encounter a complex analytics issue that calls for machine learning. Big data architectures are designed to address these kinds of problems.

Benefits Of Big Data Architecture

Significant data architecture provides many advantages, making it useful for businesses across different sectors. This article will provide a comprehensive overview of the benefits of big-data architecture:

Parallel Computing For High Performance

One significant advantage of Big Data Solution Architecture is its capacity to utilize the power of parallel computing to speed up data processing. By breaking significant problems into smaller parts, the extensive data system can divide processing tasks over many servers or nodes, permitting simultaneous calculation processing. The parallel processing capabilities allow companies to analyze massive data rapidly and effectively, which results in faster insight and better decision-making.

Elastic Scalability

Big data structures are constructed to scale horizontally. That means they can easily handle changes in the size of workloads and demands. The elasticity of the system allows businesses to adapt their computer resources dynamically to meet the needs of particular tasks and ensure maximum performance and efficient utilization of resources. In addition, many big data-related solutions can be accessed through cloud computing, where resources can be purchased and de-provisioned anytime. It offers affordable scalability without requiring upfront investments in hardware.

Freedom Of Choice

The Big Data landscape provides many options and platforms, allowing companies to pick the best tools and technology to meet their requirements. Suppose you use Azure-managed services, or Apache technologies such as Hadoop and Spark. In that case, companies can combine and mix solutions for a custom big data framework tailored to their needs, existing systems, and IT skills.

Interoperability Of Related Systems

Big Data Architecture components are made to work with other related systems. This allows companies to build interconnected platforms that handle various types of work. For example, businesses could use big data components to support IoT data processing, business intelligence (BI) and analytics workflows, and traditional transaction systems. The interoperability lets organizations maximize their information assets and develop a data-driven, unified ecosystem to create value for business and innovation.

Big Data Architecture Challenges & Their Solutions 2024

The impact of Big Data across industries is enormous, but it has its challenges. Deciding to go with a big data-enabled data Analytics option isn’t easy. The components needed to integrate data from various sources will require a vast area. Additionally, there must be proper synchronization between the elements. Creating, testing, and troubleshooting a Big data WorkFlow is quite tricky. Maintaining a constant flow of different applications in this area is an enormous issue for many businesses. Here are our challenges; let us examine them in detail.

Data Storage

New methods of processing and storing data are being developed, but data volume still needs to be addressed because the volume of data increases in size every two years. In addition to the data size, the variety of formats used for storing data is increasing. This means that effectively organizing and storing data is frequently a problem for organizations.

The Solution:

To manage this massive data collection, businesses use modern methods like the tiering process, compression, and deduplication. The compression process reduces the number of bits contained in the data, decreasing its overall size. Deduplication eliminates redundant and unnecessary information in data sets; as part of data tiering, businesses can store this data across various storage tiers. 

This guarantees that information is kept at the most optimal spot. Data tiers can include private, public cloud, or flash storage, based on the importance and size of the information. Many companies are turning to Big Data technologies like Hadoop, NoSQL, and others.

Data Quality

Data quality is based on precision, consistency, relevancy to the data, completeness, and fitness. In Big Data Analytics solutions, data diversification is essential. Data quality is an issue when working with numerous data sources, such as which data formats are compatible and joined and searching for missing data, duplicates, outliers, etc. The task is to cleanse and prep data before examining it. Thus, gathering helpful information will require considerable effort to purify it to produce an accurate result. Data scientists spend 50- 80 percent of their time on data preparation.

The Solution:

Check for and rectify any data quality problems regularly. Additionally, duplicate entries and errors are typical, particularly when data comes from different sources. The team developed an advanced identification system for data that can detect the existence of duplicates, even with slight data variations, and reports any possible errors to verify the authenticity of the data they gather. This has led to an increase in the precision of the company’s insights gained through data analysis.


Big data technology is used to manage large amounts of data. This can lead to issues when the design can’t expand. It could affect the output if the plan is not able to scale. Due to the rapid growth in processing data, it could be overwhelming for the volume of data that they process. It could result in a decline in the system’s performance and effectiveness. To handle the overflow of information, auto-scaling enables the system to continuously be equipped with the appropriate capacity to deal with current traffic demands. There are two kinds of scaling.

It is possible to scale up a method until it becomes impossible to increase the size of each component anymore. Thus, dynamic scaling is needed. Dynamic scaling offers the capability of scaling up capacity increases and the benefits from scale-out. This ensures that the system’s capacity grows to the exact level required for business needs.

The Solution:

Compression, tiering, and deduplication are a few of the most recent methods businesses have used to deal with vast amounts of data. Compression can be described as decreasing the number of bits that data contains and consequently increasing the amount of data. Eliminating redundant and unneeded data from a knowledge base is called deduplication. Businesses can save data on multiple layers of storage via data tiering. It ensures that the data will be stored in the correct place.

Based on the volume and importance of stored data, data tiers can be classified as private, public cloud, and flash storage. Businesses can also choose Big Data technologies such as Hadoop, NoSQL, etc.


Though Big data could give you a lot of insight into making decisions, securing data from unauthorized access is difficult. It could be a source of personal and PII(personally identified information) information about a person. GDPR, or General Data Protection Regulation, protects data to guarantee the safety of PII and personal data across and outside the European Union (EU) and European Economic Area (EEA).

As per the GDPR, the company must safeguard the customers’ PII data from internal and external security threats. Organizations that manage and store data about PII from European citizens in EU states must abide by the GDPR. However, if the organization’s architecture has only a minor security flaw, it will likely be compromised. An attacker can make information and incorporate it into the data structure. The hacker can infiltrate the system and introduce sound, making it more difficult to secure information. Most big data applications contain data at centralized places, and various apps and platforms use the data. In the end, protecting access to data is a challenge. A robust security system is required to safeguard the data from theft and threats.

The Solution:

The companies are attracting security professionals to safeguard their customers’ data. Additional steps for preserving big data include data encryption, segregation, and identity and access management. Security of the endpoints, real-time security monitoring, and use of security programs to protect Big Data, such as IBM Guardian.


Extensive data systems may be complicated to build because they deal with various data types from multiple sources. Multiple engines can use this feature, like Splunk for analyzing log data, Hadoop for batch processing, and Spark to process data streams. Because each engine had its specific data set, it was necessary to incorporate each. Combining such a large amount of data creates a problem.

Furthermore, companies have begun to mix cloud-based big data processing and storage. This is another reason why data integration is essential in this case. If not, every cluster of computers that requires an engine remains isolated from the other components of the structure, which results in data fragmentation and replication. Ultimately, creating tests and troubleshooting processes becomes complex. Additionally, they require various setting options across multiple devices to boost performance.

The Solution:

Certain companies use data lakes to store massive amounts of information gathered from different sources without considering how the data will be combined. Divers business fields can, for instance, produce information that can be useful in analyzing joint data; however, the meaning behind these data is often unclear and needs to be reconciled. To get the best ROI from large data-related initiatives, a structured strategy for data integration is generally recommended.


Big data technology is highly specific, as it employs frameworks and languages that are not typical in general-purpose application architectures. However, this technology is developing innovative APIs built on mature languages. For example, the U-SQL language used in Azure Data Lake Analytics is an amalgamation of Transact-SQL and C#. In the case of Hive, HBase, and Spark, SQL-based APIs are readily available.

Professional data specialists must use these advanced techniques and tools to manage data. They will comprise analysts, data scientists, and engineers who operate the devices and identify Big Data Architecture Patterns. Insufficient data specialists are among the major Data Challenges companies have to face. The reason is that the techniques for handling data have changed rapidly, yet most users aren’t. It’s imperative to be proactive in closing the space.

The Solution:

Certain companies use data lakes to store vast amounts of data gathered from various sources without considering how they will merge the data. Different business areas can, for instance, create valid documents to analyze jointly. However, the meaning behind the data can be confusing and needs to be reconciled. It is better to take a planned strategy for data integration to get the most ROI from significant data-related initiatives.

Lack of Proper Understanding 

A lack of understanding causes businesses to fail with big data projects. People don’t know the nature of data, how it’s stored or processed, and the source of it. Professionals in data management may know about this; however, others might not understand. Maintaining sensitive data cannot be accessible if companies don’t comprehend the importance of knowing storage. It is possible they aren’t using databases correctly to save data. If critical data is needed, it becomes impossible to access the data.

The Solution:

All employees should be able to take part in big data-related workshops and training seminars. Training sessions for military personnel are required for everyone who deals frequently with data or works on big projects involving data. Understanding the concepts behind knowledge must be taught at all levels within the company.

Technology Maturity

Think about this scenario: advanced big data analytics analyzes the types of items that customers purchase (for instance, needles and thread) based on prior behavior patterns in the market. A soccer player shares his most recent look on Instagram, and the white Nike caps and the beige sneakers are the two most noticeable accessories. They look stunning, and people who look at the outfit tend to wear it. People rush to buy an outfit and headwear that is compatible with them. But the store only offers shoes. This means you’re losing customers and even some of your customers.

The Solution:

Technology doesn’t analyze the information from social media networks, nor does it make a bid for online retailers. This is the reason there weren’t enough items available. In addition, your competition’s data illustrates social media’s changes almost in real-time. Their store stocks each piece and discounts 15% when you purchase together. 

Technology maturity is a tricky method to convert into valuable insights. A solid method of combining variables and sources to provide crucial information is essential to ensure that no data is out of reach. External databases must aid in this process, even though collecting and understanding data from outside sources can be challenging.

Ethical Issues

As the amount and range of data being gathered and analyzed have increased, ethical concerns regarding data use, security, privacy, and protection have become more critical. Organizations face complicated ethical challenges, including protecting data privacy and stopping bias or discrimination in algorithms for decision-making. It ensures the transparency and accountability of data collection practices.

The Solution:

To tackle ethical issues related to information architecture, businesses must establish clear guidelines that govern data collection, storage processing, and sharing. It is essential to develop robust policies for managing data, ensuring compliance with relevant laws (such as GDPR and CCPA), and implementing regularly scheduled ethics education for data management professionals. Furthermore, businesses should prioritize the transparency and accountability of their operations by offering detailed explanations about how data is processed and utilized. They should also seek specific consent from people for processing their data, and permitting users to control their personal information using privacy-enhancing techniques like encryption and anonymization.

Integration And Data Silos

Many organizations have difficulty with the integration of disparate sources of data as well as breaking down silos of data that hinder access to data as well as consistency and interoperability. Data silos could be caused because of outdated technology, divisional boundaries, or incompatible formats for data that result in the creation of redundant and fragmented methods of managing data.

The Solution:

To address problems with data silos and integration, companies should implement a complete data integration plan which includes standardization, consolidation of data, and interoperability tools. This requires using new data integration tools like extract, transform, and load (ETL) tools such as virtualization of data and master data management (MDM) tools to bring together and integrate data from different formats and sources. In addition, companies should promote collaboration across departments to dismantle siloed data methods and encourage exchange and reuse.

  • Real-Time Processing

In today’s highly competitive business world, businesses increasingly require instant access to data and information to aid in rapid decision-making and action. However, traditional batch processing processes are not enough to provide the required instantaneous analysis and processing of data.

The Solution:

Companies should consider investing in technology that supports stream processing to enable real-time processing capabilities. In addition, businesses should plan their data pipelines to ensure efficient processing with low latency, improve data retention and retrieval systems for efficiency and speed, and use in-memory processing and caching to decrease delay and increase responsiveness.

Cost Management

Creating and maintaining a flexible and reliable data infrastructure is costly, especially when data volumes increase and technology demands change. Companies must be mindful of the costs related to data storage and processing infrastructure and employees and ensure that their investments meet their business goals and produce tangible results.

The Solution:

To address cost management issues with data architecture, companies need to adopt a more strategic method of allocating resources and optimizing. It is vital to use cloud computing solutions, to benefit pay-as-you-go pricing structures, elastic scaling, and cost-effective infrastructure provisioning. 

In addition, businesses should apply processes to manage data’s lifecycle, determine and prioritize critical data assets, preserve or remove obsolete data, and improve storage efficiency. In addition, they should review and analyze cost parameters, including the total cost of ownership (TCO) as well as cost per query and cost per operation, to determine areas that can be optimized and to justify investment in the information architecture effectively.

The Bottom Line

Big data can be a complex subject. The volume and diversity of data and the speed with which it’s gathered pose technological issues for companies trying to build the infrastructure needed to store, process, and analyze it. The nature of this job also calls for expertise, which is often difficult to obtain. Therefore, the majority of significant data initiatives do not succeed. The rewards can be huge, and businesses that strategically approach big data and avoid or overcome typical obstacles will reap the benefits of big data.

You may also hire veteran experts who are better informed about Big Data Architecture Tools. In contrast, traveling to consult on big data can be a memorable experience. Experts will advise you on the best essential equipment to aid your company. Based on their suggestions and recommendations, you’ll determine a strategy to select the most simple device.

A few of the issues with the significant data architecture have been described in the previous paragraphs. This is why it is essential to deal with these issues to make it feasible to achieve correct and real-time data use. Ultimately, all of these points should be considered when designing an architecture for big data.


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